Friday, November 03, 2006

Ten Months

I'm beginning to wonder... Was the risk worth it?

I'm talking about the risk of moving to Manila from Davao. The risk of leaving a relatively good job for so much uncertainty here. The risk of generally leaving my comfort zone to stir things up a bit. And a lot of stirring I got indeed more than ten months since relocating to Manila.

Career wise, things have been pretty ok. Working in a call center for the first six and half months was a terrible blow to my self esteem. In hindsight though I realized that more than anything else it was a very humbling experience. Never again would I underestimate other people's jobs.

For about a month or so I was jobless. I had never been that depressed in my recent life. I felt so worthless. Again, that was a phenomenally humbling period as well.

Which brings me to my finances... argh, I knew it was going to be tough but I never relaized that it was going to be that hard. There were days (especially during my jobless period) that spending a mere P10 has to be thought hard over and over again. Thanks to my sister, she kept me alive during that difficult time.

Which brings me to my relationships. If there's anything more precious about life it has to be our friendships. I already mentioned my sister. There are a number of people who kept my sanity afloat all through these days. Sarah has been an amazing person. Daisy, although based in Davao, has kept me grounded and her moral support is immeasurable. Jules, who I met while working in the call center, was a darling. Of course there are more people who have been there for me. It certainly gives me comfort that I know the right kind of friends. I can't be more lucky.

So back to the main question: has the risk been worth it? Unfortunately I can't make conclusions right now. To begin with, the question might be flawed because there are simply a lot of experiences in life that cannot be measured in terms of costs or benefits. There are opportunities that come our way though that one has to make the most out of. Bow.

Hay, why am I suddenly introspective?

1 comment:

Momel said...

So this is what happened: I stopped reading further after this line:

Working in a call center for the first six and half months was a terrible blow to my self esteem.

Like, dude!



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